About Me

When we heal ourselves and nurture our wellness, we become a space for others to do the same.

I believe that, being one of these spaces for others is one of the most important calls we can answer on the path to creating a better world for all of us to live in.

You are one of those spaces.

Since around middle school, I was always interested in tech, digital art & design and the internet. When I was in sixth grade I taught myself basic HTML and started making skateboarding websites for fun (I also did a lot of skateboarding and videography). Eventually these hobbies fell by the wayside as I got older and moved in other directions.

I didn’t realize that those early joys, would later re-integrate into my life in the form of an absolute passion for creating websites through which humans can find the medicine they need for their continued growth and evolution.

The work of people just like you has changed my life

and inspired me in ways I never thought possible. I’ve spent the last 10 years steadily dedicated to the path of personal and spiritual growth… I have been witnessed by community in the depths of my trauma and grief, and I’ve sat in sacred witness of others in theirs.

My experiences living in community, practicing conscious relationship, and creating healing spaces for others, combined with a self-driven passion for digital design and marketing has perfectly equipped me to work with healers and coaches like you. Together we will create a platform (I like to call it a portal!) through which the people who are looking for your medicine can receive so that you can maximize your impact and profits.

Education, Workshops and Training

Dan Bee Shin’s Brand Interview Workshop
Online Web Design Course

Paige Brunton’s Square Secrets 2.0
Online Web Design Course

AA in Web Design
Art Institute of York

Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master Certification
Sacred Healing Hands Wellness Studio

Medical Reiki Master Certification
The Cleansing Breath

Kundalini Reiki Level 1 & 2
BCC | Angel Kangalee

200hr Yoga Teacher Training
Baltimore Yoga Village

One Year Spiritual Apprenticeship
Inspiration Community

Bodhisattva Breathwork Intensive
Inspiration Community

Somatic Experiencing Level One
SE Institute Online

My Goal

Is to build websites that are not only beautiful, functional and on brand, but which also make your life as a business owner easier and more abundant.